Soaring with Eagles


“If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’re going to fly.” – Steve Maraboli

imagesCAHR0AVIThere is a lot to be said for choosing your training partners carefully. I mean a lot! People tend to become a product of their environment and in the CrossFit box the environment is the people you train with everyday.

Always try to train with people that are going to make you better by pushing you to always do your best. Only hang out and train with those that are going to elevate you. Train with athletes that are more advanced than you and watch how quickly you begin to perform at their level. From a nutritional aspect do not eat meals with people who are on a different diet or worse don’t care about nutrition at all. Keep your diet clean and try to share meals with those who do the same. (For instance if you are trying to follow strict Paleo do not go out to eat with someone who’s going to down three pitchers of beer and two large pizzas.) The more and more you train with a group the closer you will become and the more motivating it will be. You will have a better chance of getting to the workout (which is often times half the battle) because you feel as if you’re letting your training partners down by skipping a day.

In other words, surround yourself with positive influences in every aspect of your life as you possibly can. The true beauty of this synerginistic relationship is that as you rely on your training mates for support you will realize that they are relying on you in much the same way.


JBLM CrossFit crew! Always motivating to be around these athletes!


DAILY FEATURE: Lifeproof Cases


Definitely need to give a shout out to LifeProof for hooking me up with a free new case for my iPhone! I was checking out their products at their booth at the North West Regionals and they were having competitions every couple hours where the winner received a free case. Considering these cases retail for around $90 I thought I would give it a shot. The particular workout was a max plank hold. The top male and top female plank holders would win a case. Being particularly adept at the plank I thought that I had a pretty good chance at winning the case. Well as it turns out at the end of the competition I was announced the winner! I can’t tell you how long I held the plank for because I don’t like to brag, but suffice to say that the reps working the booth said that they’ve never seen anyone hold it for that long. Just saying…

All kidding aside though Lifeproof makes a great product and I love my new phone case. The thing is literally indestructible, as are all of the products they make. High quality products and a cool company. Great combo for a business model!

Check out LifeProof products here!



Warm-up: 25 jumping jacks x 3, 10 leg swings L/R, 10 hip circles L/R, 10 bent over hamstring stretches.

Biking: 30:00 on traveling 8.47M. *Brick with running.

Running: Approximately 4.2M in 32:31.


REST and RECOVERY! Plus some more NW Regionals!


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